Christmas 2021 is fast approaching so it's time to get in the festive spirit. We have been in lockdown here since late June so I'm sure many of you will agree really brings home what is important..and usually its the simple things such a spending time with those we love.
Our Christmas stockings are a little nod to simple times, pure linen with the simple hand stitching of your loved ones name. Like our pillows, they are backed in our oatmeal linen and the front is available in any of our gorgeous colour shades. It has a small ribbon loop to hang.
The stocking is available plain and the letters can be added on..obviously space is limited so shorter names are best.
The Vintage style Santa sacks were a huge hit last year and have a longer turnaround as we have them made up to order from our linen supplier overseas. Therefore we need to really think ahead and order early..December will be way too late!

Australia Post is already warning of increased delays in the lead up to Xmas this year so to avoid the stress and worry that something won't arrive we normally ship our last items (to NSW/Vic/Qld) within the first week of December.